
Small Business Insurance – Ontario

Getting the right industrial insurance is important whether you're starting your own business for the first time or taking over the family business. The risks and priorities of small businesses are different from those of big businesses. A small business owner is also the bookkeeper, the front desk staff, and the owner.  Losses can happen by accident for many different reasons. Small business insurance lowers those risks and gives you peace of mind that your company is protected, so you can focus on what's important for your small business.   Our professional insurance agents can help you choose the right policy.

The economy of Ontario is based on small businesses. The people who run small businesses are what make Ontario work, from Ajax to Kitchener and from Toronto to Windsor. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce just put together these facts, which speak for themselves:

  • The Ontario economy is held together by small businesses, which are also very important to communities all across the state. Over 400,000 small businesses in Ontario make important jobs and keep many people alive. They make up 98% of all businesses in Ontario and make up 30% of the province's GDP. Also, over three million people in Ontario work for small businesses, which makes up two-thirds of all private-sector workers in the state.

  • In Ontario, running or owning a small business means balancing a lot of different duties. Focusing on immediate jobs while also planning for the future is something you do all the time, whether you're working on the front lines or behind the scenes.

  • Because things are so complicated, making sure your business is safe and will last is very important. That's why working with business insurance brokers who are pros in the field is so important for protecting your small business in Ontario.

About Small business insurance in Ontario 

Canada, is a crucial aspect of running a successful enterprise. This type of insurance is designed to protect small businesses from various risks and liabilities that they may face during their operations. Here are some key points to consider when it comes to small business insurance in Ontario:

Legal Requirements: 

In Ontario, some types of insurance are mandatory for businesses. For example, if you have employees, you are required to have workers' compensation insurance. Additionally, if your business uses vehicles, commercial auto insurance is also mandatory.

Liability Insurance: 

Liability insurance is one of the most important types of coverage for small businesses. It protects you from claims or lawsuits arising from bodily injury or property damage caused by your business operations. This can include slip and fall accidents on your premises or product-related injuries.

Property Insurance: 

Property insurance pays for repairs or replacements for things like buildings, equipment, and stock. It protects your business in case of fire, theft, vandalism, or other unexpected events.

Business Interruption Insurance: 

This type of insurance helps your business recover from unexpected events that disrupt your operations, such as a fire or natural disaster. It covers lost income, ongoing expenses, and the costs of temporary relocation.

Commercial Auto Insurance: 

If your business uses vehicles, commercial auto insurance is necessary to protect your company against accidents and liability claims related to your vehicles. This insurance also covers damage to the vehicles themselves.

Professional Liability Insurance: 

If you provide professional services, such as consulting or legal advice, professional liability insurance (also known as errors and omissions insurance) can protect you from claims of negligence or mistakes in your services.

Cyber Liability Insurance: 

In the digital age, businesses are vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches. Cyber liability insurance helps cover the costs of dealing with data breaches and the associated legal and financial repercussions.

Employee Benefits Insurance: 

Offering employee benefits, such as health and dental insurance, can be a valuable perk for your employees. These perks can help you find and keep great employees.

Insurance Providers: 

Ontario has numerous insurance providers that offer a wide range of coverage options for small businesses. It's essential to shop around, compare quotes, and choose a provider that best meets your specific needs and budget.

Risk Assessment: 

Before purchasing insurance, assess your business's unique risks and needs. This will help you determine the types and amounts of coverage required to adequately protect your business.

Cost Considerations: 

The cost of small business insurance can vary widely depending on factors like the size of your business, the industry you're in, and the coverage you choose. It's important to find a mix between affordable insurance and enough coverage.

Review and Update: 

As your business grows and changes, so may your insurance needs.It's crucial to regularly review and update your insurance coverage to ensure it remains adequate for your current situation.

Small business insurance in Ontario is a vital investment to safeguard your company against unexpected events and liabilities. By carefully considering your insurance needs and working with a reputable provider, you can protect your business and gain peace of mind as you pursue your entrepreneurial goals.

Why do I need protection for my business?

It doesn't matter what kind of business you run; you need to protect it from operating risks, liability claims, and lawsuits. With business insurance, you can protect yourself from these kinds of unplanned events. 

Even if you take all the right safety measures and follow good routines, accidents can still happen and cost your business a lot of money.

No matter what kind of business you're in (big or small), or whether you do high-risk activities or not, insurance is a must-have for avoiding major financial losses when things go wrong. Let's say you're cleaning a client's window and break it by mistake. This could lead to a claim for property damage.

If you don't have insurance, fixing these kinds of losses could cost a lot of money. Ontario Small Business Insurance helps pay for some of these repair and replacement costs, which protects your business and makes sure it lasts. 

Advice that is specifically made for you can make all the difference, especially when working with small insurance agents. A small business insurance broker can help you find the best coverage, which could save your company from financial problems or even failure.

What Should You Know About Ontario Small Business Insurance?

It is very important to know about the market from which you are buying. When you know something, you can make smart decisions about what to buy and how to deal well. This is very important when thinking about Ontario small business insurance. It is helpful for everyone to know certain important facts about this market.

  • Ontario is Canada's biggest market for property and casualty insurance.

  • Almost a quarter of all insurance premiums paid in the country come from Ontario car insurance, which is more than $10 billion a year.

  • Ontario has more P&C insurance headquarters than any other state put together.

  • Ontario has a no-fault system for auto insurance, whether it's for work or pleasure. Basically, this means that each insurance only pays for damage to their own car.

  • In Ontario, most small insurance companies sell personal lines insurance (70% to 80% of their business). Notably, not many of them only offer business insurance.

  • Although Ontario's insurance market is big, it is very competitive because of this. It is home to thousands of business insurance brokers, and tens of thousands of registered small business insurance brokers serve the area. 

  • Every dealer and brokerage has its own services to offer. It's important to carefully consider the small insurance company or brokerage you choose to work with and make sure they meet all of your needs and those of your business.

Why does small business insurance cost what it does?

What kind of coverage you have and how much coverage you have. An insurance policy that covers everything will cost more than a basic deal. 

The average cost of small business insurance for a small to medium-sized business is $650 per year. Bigger businesses may have to pay more for their insurance.

Some things that affect the cost of insurance are:

  • Number of employees

  • The services you provide

  • Business location

  • Value and amount of equipment owned

  • Annual and projected revenue

  • Years of experience

  • Historical insurance data

  • Your deductible

What does insurance for small businesses cover?

Small Business Insurance in Ontario protects you against a number of risks that could cost your company money through lawsuits and claims of third-party responsibility. Up to the policy level, this insurance helps protect your business by paying for some of the costs that come with lawsuits or claims.

In the event that a customer slips and falls on your property, small business insurance would cover their medical bills and any possible settlements. Here is a list of the exact things that a small business insurance policy will cover:

  • Commercial general liability insurance

  • Professional liability insurance

  • Product liability insurance

  • Commercial auto insurance

  • Commercial property insurance

  • Equipment breakdown insurance

Looking for insurance tips that are specific to small businesses? It is very important to understand your business insurance fully. There are always changes happening in the Ontario insurance market. As a small business owner, it may not always be possible to keep up with the latest coverages.  

Do you run a small business from your Ontario home? 

Some business owners, especially small insurance agents, think that their home insurance might leave them without the need for commercial general liability insurance. A homeowner's insurance coverage may cover some of the risks that come with running a small business, but only if your insurance company formally confirms this in writing.

But many personal insurance plans make it clear that they don't cover business-related liabilities. In the event that a client comes to your home for business purposes and gets hurt or damages your property, your small business in Ontario may not be covered if the client decides to sue.

Do you have professional liability insurance for your small business?

Professional liability insurance protects your Ontario small business when a customer thinks that your company didn't provide professional services properly. It's also known as mistakes and omissions insurance.

For example, professional liability insurance can help pay for court and/or settlement costs if a client sues you saying that a plan you came up with and suggested hurt their business. Service businesses like law firms, accounting firms, consulting firms, real estate agencies, and financial advice firms can really benefit from this kind of insurance.

It's important to know how your business insurance works. The market for insurance in Ontario is always shifting and growing. Plus, as a small business owner, you can't always know about the newest laws. 

9 Important Ways to Get or Renew Small Business Insurance in Ontario

These 9 small business insurance tips from the Insurance Bureau of Canada can help you keep your eye on what's important, whether you are renewing your coverage or getting it for the first time:

  1. Talk to an insurance agent about what kind of insurance your business needs.

  2. Look around until you find the best coverage for your needs.

  3. At least once a year, look over your policy.

  4. Know what your insurance says. Find out what your insurance covers, as well as the limits and fees that come with it. In case you have any questions, get in contact with your insurer.

  5. Check to see if the limits on your policy are fair. Make sure you have enough insurance for what you own and how you run your business.

  6. Think about getting liability insurance. You would want to make sure you have enough liability insurance in case someone slipped and fell on your property.

  7. Make sure your car insurance covers everything. If you use your car for business, your personal auto insurance won't cover it.

  8. Try to find ways to get your rates lowered. Some insurance companies will lower your rates if you take steps to lower your risk. Talk to someone from your insurance company about ways you can lower your rates.

  9. Think about coverage for mistakes and gaps. If you give advice to clients, you'll want to make sure you're protected in case something goes wrong.